IAS – Industrial Automation Show 2023German Exhibitors Optris GmbH
Optris GmbH
Booth number: B022
About us
Die Optris GmbH hat sich seit der Gründung im Jahr 2003 zu einem der führenden und innovativsten Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der berührungslosen Temperaturmessung weltweit entwickelt.Das Produktportfolio umfasst stationäre Infrarot-Thermometer und Online-Infrarotkameras sowie begleitendes Zubehör und Software für industrielle Anwendungen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung.
„German Engineering“ - dank eines umfangreichen Know-hows und innovativer Konzepte geben unsere erfahrenen Ingenieure und Physiker immer wieder Impulse für neue Produktentwicklungen und herausragende Lösungen.
„Made in Germany“ - Wir entwickeln und produzieren in Deutschland, um den höchsten Qualitätsstandard als wesentlichen Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenspolitik sicherzustellen.
Optris GmbH
Ferdinand-Buisson-Str. 14
13127 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 500197-0
Ferdinand-Buisson-Str. 14
13127 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 500197-0
Optris Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
11/F, Building 3 Zhonghaixin Science & Technology Park, No.12, Bulan Road, Buji Street, Shenzhen
518112 Shenzhen
E-mail: info@optris.com.cn
Phone: +86 755 88868221
Internet: www.optris.com.cn
11/F, Building 3 Zhonghaixin Science & Technology Park, No.12, Bulan Road, Buji Street, Shenzhen
518112 Shenzhen
E-mail: info@optris.com.cn
Phone: +86 755 88868221
Internet: www.optris.com.cn
Products & Services
Sensors and Actuators
Measuring and Test Systems
Industrial Image Processing Systems
Compact spot finder IR camera Xi 410 with Fast Ethernet
The Xi 410 is a fusion between a robust, compact
pyrometer and an advanced IR camera. The
autonomous operation with automatic spot finder
function as well as the direct analog output and the
affordable price make up a perfect match for all safetyrelevant
applications in the fields of preventive fire
safety and the condition monitoring of machines and
Visit website pyrometer and an advanced IR camera. The
autonomous operation with automatic spot finder
function as well as the direct analog output and the
affordable price make up a perfect match for all safetyrelevant
applications in the fields of preventive fire
safety and the condition monitoring of machines and
High-speed pyrometer optris CT 4M for low-temp, highspeed measurements
Due to its short measuring wavelength and a
temperature range from 0°C to 500 °C (32 °F to 932
°F), the pyrometer optris CT 4M, is ideally suited for
measurement of metals, metal oxides, ceramics or
materials with unknown or changing emissivity. The
quick response time of only 300 μs allows for a
problem-free use of the metal thermometer in fast
Visit website temperature range from 0°C to 500 °C (32 °F to 932
°F), the pyrometer optris CT 4M, is ideally suited for
measurement of metals, metal oxides, ceramics or
materials with unknown or changing emissivity. The
quick response time of only 300 μs allows for a
problem-free use of the metal thermometer in fast
Ratio pyrometer CSvision
With the new ratio pyrometers of the CSvision family, it is possible to measure temperatures from 250 °C to 3000 °C reliably from variable distances without contact. The novelty of the CSvision series is the switchable two-step brightness reduction filter, which makes it easy to sight and focus on very bright objects. Due to the dual-channel measuring principle, the CSvision are largely insensitive to dust, steam and dirty viewing windows.
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