Blickle China
展位号: B026
In 1953, Wilhelm Sülzle split his well-established ironware factory into three separate companies, divided between his sons and his son-in-law, Heinrich Blickle. The new company, called Blickle, took over the production of iron wheelbarrow wheels and established a range of high quality wheels, fixed castors and swivel castors. Typically Swabian virtues like hard work, an obsession with quality and the spirit of invention caused our products to continuously improve. After the sudden death of the founder Heinrich Blickle, his wife Elisabeth Blickle took over the management of the company in 1961.
The Blickle group currently has over 1,200 employees worldwide, with around 900 based at the headquarters in Rosenfeld, Germany. Trained technical advisers at 20 sales subsidiaries in Europe, America, Asia and Australia with distribution offices in 120 countries ensure proximity to customers and high-quality service. Our cutting edge logistics centre guarantees top-class delivery performance: we can send out more than 8,000 products within a day and 12,000 others in 1 to 3 days, Europe-wide.
No. 8 Xi Xin Road, Building A Fortune Land Euro-US Industrial Park
P. R. China
电话: +86 512 53207717
通过最先进的技术和方法(如线性和非线性有限元分析计算)和与著名研究机构的合作,我们的开发人员对脚轮的设计有了新想法。其中最好的例子就是 Besthane® 聚氨酯胎面,其将包括操作舒适性和滚动阻力在内各种标准提升到全新高度。
无论是研发全新产品,还是根据客户要求调整产品 - 通过设计与特定工具制造联网使各项创新能够迅速投产。此外,罗森菲尔德生产基地具有极高的生产深度,即便是小批量的特殊解决方案也能以低成本投产。通常,从客户垂询到完成出样或终端产品只需几天时间。
比克力 - 经验丰富的研发伙伴。我们也可以共同制定适用于复杂移动性问题的解决方案。